Print and Photo

Organization Name:
Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance
City & State:
Describe your creative piece – what is it and what has it been used for, and why is it innovative?
Our entry is a multi-use trail brochure. The trail directory was created for free distribution to anyone. With this directory we have been able to reach out to the public and provide them alternative ways for health, exercise, nature and environmental quality. It is a way to provide alternative information to the public.
What issue or problem were you working to address with this piece?
Trails provide easy opportunities for people to exercise and are an important tool for combating rising obesity levels for both children and adults. They also provide a safe convenient way to commute to school or work and opportunities for education about nature and environmental quality. We work in partnership with health agencies to ensure trails make useful connections to schools, libraries, parks and civic buildings and other destinations so that they will be used not only for recreation but transportation. the economic benefit of trails have proven through many state and national studies. Trails serve as "economic engines" for their communities by enhancing quality of life, increasing property values, and generating new touris-related businesses and increased economic activity at existing businesses. Trails rank at the top of master recreation plans across the country due to public demand. They are one of the bell-weather indicators of a vibrant community.
How has your submission successfully impacted your organization’s ability to solve this issue/problem?
It has been a well received directory. When we first designed and published the directory we were printing 12,000 a year for distribution and each year the demand has risen to where we are distributing 30,000 a year. We receive hundreds of requests a year for the directory from individuals to Convention and Visitors Bureau, Chambers of Commerce’s, Health and Care facilities, Realtor's, parks, and welcome centers.
Creative Submission - Files